Scorch - significado y definición. Qué es Scorch
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Qué (quién) es Scorch - definición

Scorch (disambiguation)

v. a.
Burn superficially, singe, char, roast, parch, shrivel.
Burn, blister.
¦ verb
1. become burnt or cause to become burnt on the surface or edges.
[often as adjective scorched] cause to become dried out and withered as a result of extreme heat.
2. informal move very fast.
¦ noun
1. the burning or charring of the surface of something.
2. Botany a form of plant necrosis marked by browning of leaf margins.
scorching adjective
scorchingly adverb
ME: perh. related to ON skorpna 'be shrivelled'.
·vi To burn or be burnt.
II. Scorch ·vi To be burnt on the surface; to be parched; to be dried up.
III. Scorch ·vt To Burn; to destroy by, or as by, fire.
IV. Scorch ·vt To affect painfully with heat, or as with heat; to dry up with heat; to affect as by heat.
V. Scorch ·add. ·vi To ride or drive at great, usually at excessive, speed;
- applied chiefly to automobilists and bicyclists. [Colloq.].
VI. Scorch ·vt To burn superficially; to parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; to subject to so much heat as changes color and texture without consuming; as, to scorch linen.



Scorch may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Scorch
1. you scorch them.
How the Biophysical Environment Shaped Human Preference _ Jamie Jones _ Talks at Google
2. don't scorch these, which isn't that much difference,
Tomatomania! _ Scott Daigre _ Talks at Google
3. Dirges so melancholic that they would scorch you.
4. and partly because I don't want to scorch my retinas
Selfish Accessibility _ Adrian Roselli _ Talks at Google
5. because you'll just scorch your lips and mouth.
Open Water Swimming Manual _ Lynne Cox _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Scorch
1. They smelt strongly of petrol and bore scorch marks.
2. Residents also began returning to their scorch–marked tower.
3. In scorch earth policy, the NIF wants to depopulate the African of western Sudan.
4. There are black scorch marks staining the walls from the frequent fires started by shorting lights.
5. Such is the "Rahmbo" style that his sizzling passage through the campaign has left scorch marks on some colleagues.